13 free tips to make your Windows PC run faster
The arrival of spring calls for weeding, cleaning, and putting away winter clothing. and adjusting your PC! However, improving the performance of your PC is not as difficult as it may seem. Your PC will operate more quickly than ever with just a few small adjustments here and there.
Even while some tasks can be automated, increasing your PC’s efficiency may need some work. Your PC is similar to a Roomba in that it frequently streamlines your laptop or desktop while you’re not looking. We’ve provided a number of suggestions for enhancing your PC’s responsiveness, general speed, and longevity below. Some of them might sound familiar, while others might not.
And kudos to you if you’ve already taken care of these!
After all, there’s no need to purchase a new computer.
Do you experience stress headaches and eye strain? See our tutorial on Windows customization for tips on how to relax your strained eyes.
1.) Apply Windows updates
Have you yet attempted turning it on and off? It’s true that The IT Crowd from the UK converted this into a meme. In truth, restarting a PC can fix its behavior problems. However, in my experience, when an update is required or downloaded but not yet installed, PCs can also act strangely.
Utilize Windows Update to make sure your computer is up to date (click “check for updates” under Windows Update from the Settings menu). Control Windows updates to make them easier to deal with. Check for updates for browsers like Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, and others. Although they will take place in the background, updating Windows programmes like Mail or Calendar can be done using the Microsoft Store app. Although it should happen automatically, make sure Windows Defender or any other anti-malware programmes you use are up to date.
One more piece of advice: turn on the option for updating “other Microsoft products” by going to Windows Update > Advanced options. That may actually cause connected devices, like a Brother printer, to update.
2.) Update your router to secure your home
Ensure that all of your software drivers are current. But a lot of this happens automatically when you use things every day.
The software that powers your network is a notable exception because it frequently necessitates specifically visiting the router or its companion app. This can assist if your Wi-Fi is giving you trouble.
Make it a routine. It is improbable that your neighbors in the suburbs are attempting to hack your computer. However, there are probably a lot of individuals that come and go who are within Wi-Fi range in an urban flat. Wi-Fi routers are a favorite target of botnets. Just be cautious, launch the app for your router, and upgrade the firmware.
Additionally, it would be a good time to upgrade your password since they are becoming more and more difficult to guess. Password for your router forgotten? Especially if you live alone, writing it on the device’s bottom is probably not the worst thing to do. This is the least of your concerns if there is an intruder, obviously. If not, make sure you have faith in your housemates.
3.) Adjust your PC’s performance slider
It’s an outdated yet easy trick. Your computer does indeed have a turbo button, and you can change it anyway you like.
You can essentially command your computer to operate faster by using the performance slider in Windows, which is present in both Windows 10 and Windows 11. If you’re on the run, it can reduce the battery life of your laptop a little. However, you may achieve the same result by pressing a button and using the Windows controls or any related programs that came with your GPU or gaming laptop.
4.) Uninstall old or unnecessary programs
The ability to experiment with different programs and services is one advantage of owning a PC. However, there are instances when you may find that you no longer require them because they may no longer be as valuable. So get rid of them!
View your installed apps first. Going to your Start menu and looking through the list of applications is the simplest approach to uninstall an application on Windows 11. Click the program’s right arrow to uninstall it. As an alternative, you can check what programs you have installed using the Windows Settings menu (Settings > Apps > Installed apps, or Apps & Features in Windows 10).Simply select the ellipsis (…) menu to the right of the program to uninstall it.. Windows will inform you of the amount of disk space that it consumes and the amount that removal will restore.
But it’s not the ideal option. You might occasionally have Win32 applications installed, primarily utilities or games. The games that Steam installs on your computer will be listed by a game launcher like Steam, and you will have the option to uninstall them. For a list of installed apps, you can alternatively utilize the traditional Control Panel. Click the game’s icon in Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features to uninstall it.
Which files ought to be removed? It’s probably safe to state that you should leave anything if you’re doubtful of it. However, if it’s an app that you genuinely don’t need, delete it. Use a search engine at your leisure to find out more information about specific entries. Also take into account the program’s size; it makes the most sense to eliminate the largest programs.
5.) Check and see if your hard drive/SSD is full
Simple but effective, this advice. Go to My PC in File Explorer by opening it. Verify the size of your primary boot drive. You have between 10 and 15 percent of the drive left to store files if the file gauge is in the red. This will stop you from installing huge games or video files, and if there isn’t enough free space on the SSD, it may also cause your computer to sluggishly. You don’t need to stress about defragmenting your SSD or hard drive. All of stuff is handled by Windows invisibly and in the background.
6.) Eliminate massive files by backing up, then deleting
On your SSD or hard drive, programs (mostly games, which we hope we just cleaned out) and large files like videos will typically take up the most space. Although tools like Space Sniffer are still available to identify large, hidden files, you definitely don’t need to go back to the days of the comprehensive file management utilities we talked about approximately ten years ago. The simplest solution is to simply locate the biggest music and/or movie files on your computer and remove them. You should navigate to Your PC: Videos, Music, Documents, and Pictures in File Explorer at this point.
With the help of our Windows backup guide, you may backup your files to the cloud or a backup hard drive. (Or perhaps both? Here are our suggestions for the top Windows backup applications and external hard drives. Another great option for cloud backup is OneDrive, which provides up to 1TB of cloud file storage with Microsoft 365. OneDrive, Box, Dropbox, or Google Drive are further options. With each of these services, you may designate a backup folder in File Explorer specifically for storing files.
You have the option to automatically backup the files on your desktop, in the Pictures folder, and in the Documents folder using OneDrive. To manage this, click the OneDrive icon on your taskbar, followed by the Settings gear in the flyout menu.
But it’s not exactly as easy as it ought to be. Turning off OneDrive’s Desktop backup will save space if you use your desktop as a repository for random files. Your Documents folder can also be used by apps like games or Adobe to save games or backup data that you might need to have in the cloud.
When OneDrive syncs a particular folder, local files and cloud files (denoted by the tiny cloud icon next to it) are combined.. The fact that deleting a file from a folder that has its contents backed up to the cloud also removes it from your local drive makes me a bit uneasy. After that, it is placed in the Recycle Bin, where it can be recovered. By making local files cloud-only, removing the local copy, and allowing the file live online in its place, you can avoid this by using File Explorer’s “Free up space” function.
The bottom line is to remove large files from your computer, back them up, double-check them, and then delete the originals.
7.) Turn on Storage Sense
Some of those large, SSD-gobbling files might actually be temporary backups, data files, and the like that are tucked away somewhere on your computer. Avoid attempting to handle this yourself. Storage Sense takes care of it. This function removes local files from your PC if they have been backed up online, deletes old files from the Recycle Bin, and removes temporary backups.
Although I always disable the option to delete files from my Downloads folder, I typically have confidence in Storage Sense to make the right choices in this situation.
8.) Disable unwanted startup programs for improved performance
Your hard drive will be cleaned up using these tips. However, preventing apps from loading automatically while your computer is booting up helps speed up boot times and lessen the pressure on your RAM or memory.
Programs strive to load themselves into memory as quickly as possible for user convenience. However, it’s not always required to do that. All of that may be completed by just launching the software, which will take a few extra seconds. (The exception are specific security tools like antimalware, which should always run beginning at startup).
You may toggle programs on and off during startup in the Windows Settings menu (programs > Startup), along with a general description of the impact it will have on your PC.
. Again, the general rule is to leave the program running if you’re unsure. However, feel free to do some research. You can probably turn it off if it’s entertainment-related.
9.) Eliminate browser plug-ins you don’t use
Everyone spends a lot of time online, and your browser is similar to your computer. Remove all unnecessary plug-ins and add-ons if you’re using them or disable them if you are. By doing this, you’ll decrease the memory that your browser uses, which will enhance the functionality of your PC as a whole.
Open the menu by clicking the three vertical dots in the top right corner of Google Chrome. To access Extensions, move down to More tools. You should disable or remove anything unnecessary.
Select Extensions by clicking the ellipsis menu (three horizontal dots) in Microsoft Edge. With that, a tiny popup window will appear, allowing you to disable any unnecessary extensions.
10.) Secure your online life
Performance on your PC won’t benefit from this; your piece of mind will. Check to see if any of your passwords have been compromised and update them if necessary, whether you use a password manager or manage them through your browser.
Review which other websites have access to your digital credentials as a further step. Although using your Microsoft ID or Google identity to sign in to a new website or service can be rather convenient, there is no reason to give them access to your personal data if you don’t have to. (Use Google’s instructions to find out which apps have access to your Google account. Similar data can be found on Microsoft’s website.
11.) Personalize your PC
How does customizing your computer increase productivity? You can disable Windows’ visual effects, such as animations and transparency, from the Settings menu by selecting Accessibility > Visual effects. However, they could also entail setting it up to feel comfortable and enjoyable.
In some circumstances, you might also want to experiment with fiddling with third-party programs like Start11. Another excellent solution is Explorer Pitcher, and it’s also free. dislike the appearance of the Start menu or Taskbar? Adjust these to increase your Windows productivity.
12.) Reset your PC
Resetting your PC is an option if you truly want to purge it of all digital clutter. For beginner users, a clean install (whether from the cloud or another installation disc) should really only be used as a last resort because it will completely remove all of your PC’s software and probably all of your user files.
Resetting your computer in Windows 11 is essentially the same as doing it in Windows 10. Just be aware that installing and/or restoring apps and data can take more time. However, the purpose of the reset process is to return your computer to a brand-new state.
13.) How to actually clean your PC
Your computer might truly need cleaning after all that tapping, swiping, and clicking. Here, too, we have you covered. Take that filthy laptop and clean it properly using our illustrated instructions. Just make sure to turn it off first!
Why is a clean computer important to you? A computer or laptop with a clogged fan from hair, lint, dust mites, or other obstructions won’t operate properly. A laptop that isn’t adequately cooled will operate more slowly. A speedy computer is one that is clean!
Yes, there are additional ways to optimize your PC. For example, adding an SSD to a desktop or laptop is a great, comparatively simple option to improve your PC’s performance. But they are expensive! These recommendations are quick and cost-free solutions to make your PC functioning well.
Can you fix a slow PC?
If you have a lot of open apps, online browsers, applications, etc., your computer may start to run slowly. It might also be considerably slowed down by having numerous browser tabs open at once. Close any unnecessary browser tabs, applications, etc.. if this happens.. to see if your PC will run faster.
Does increasing RAM increase PC speed?
In general, processing speed increases with RAM speed. By employing faster RAM, you can increase the speed at which memory transfers data to other components. As a result, your computer is suddenly significantly more efficient because the speedy CPU can now communicate with the other components just as quickly.
What to upgrade when PC is slow?
For multitasking, avid graphic design software users, computer RAM is crucial. For these individuals, upgrading RAM is a fantastic, affordable option to fix a sluggish PC. For virtually instantaneous data access that you might need while working on something, RAM uses volatile memory chips.
Which RAM in the group provides the fastest performance?
SRAM is composed of four to six transistors and is pronounced “ES-RAM.” As long as the system is on, it maintains data in the memory as opposed to DRAM, which needs to be refreshed on a regular basis. As a result, DRAM is the more common memory in computer systems, while SRAM is faster but also more expensive.